View a list of Windows services and their status and export to a text file

If you need to get a quick list of running services on your computer or another computer on your network, you can use a number of methods to quickly generate this. You can even generate a text file so you can print the list if required. These methods work with Windows XP Professional, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008.

Method 1

In the Services window, the "Action" > "Export List..." menu can give you the list as a .txt or .csv file. It gives you the description column as well, but you can easily delete it using a program like Excel.

Press the Windows key + R on your keyboard to launch the “Run” dialog box.

Type in: services.msc

Select "Export List..." from the "Action" menu

Select your location, filename and file type (txt,csv,unicode) from the save dialog box

Method 2:

Open a command prompt.

Execute the following command:

tasklist /svc

To list the running services on another computer, execute the following command:

tasklist /svc /s computer_name

Where computer_name is the name of the desired computer.

to generate a textfile, execute the following (you may change the output path to your liking):

Your computer:

tasklist /svc > tasklist.txt

Another computer:

tasklist /svc /s computer_name > tasklist.txt

Method 3

You can also do this from Powershell.

Get-Service | Export-Csv -path "C:\services.csv"  

Besides, you can filter the list. For example, you can get only the started services by executing the following command:

Get-Service | where {$_.Status -eq "Running"} | Export-Csv -path "C:\services.csv"

Method 4

Without using powershell, this lists running services:

 sc query > running_services.txt  

This lists all services, running or not:

 sc query state= all > all_services.txt

Method 5

You can also use net start to get the list of the running services.

net start

Get a List of All Running Processes from the Command Line

Open a command prompt.

Execute the following command:

wmic process get description,executablepath

To list the processes on another computer, execute the following command:

wmic /node: process get description,executablepath

Where computer name is the name of the desired computer.

to generate a textfile, execute the following (make sure to change the output path to your liking):

Your computer:

wmic /output:d:\process.txt process get description,executablepath

Another computer:

wmic /node: /output:d:\process.txt process get description,executablepath


  1. Is there a way to automate or run from command line or powershell method 1? I want the exact output of method 1 just automated

  2. You can automate windows powershell by following this link :-

  3. Is there a way to add the "Log on As" ID running the process?
